Woo hoo! Mega-hit series Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries is getting a groovy spin-off set during the Swinging ’60s: Ms. Fisher’s MODern Murder Mysteries.

The Seven Network, Screen Australia and Every Cloud Productions announced today that Ms Fisher’s MODern Murder Mysteries is going into production in October.
Set in 1964 Melbourne, Ms Fisher’s MODern Murder Mysteries is another glamorous television series, this time featuring the the gorgeously reckless Peregrine Fisher, who inherits a windfall when Phryne Fisher, the famous aunt she never knew, goes missing over the highlands of New Guinea.
Now Peregrine must prove herself brilliant enough to become a world class private detective in her own right. Not only that, she searches for answers of her own, as the mystery of Phryne’s disappearance is explored throughout the new series.
Ms Fisher’s MODern Murder Mysteries will have a new cast of offsiders — a gang of multi-generational and remarkable women that form The Adventureress’ Club — who provide guidance, support and romantic conflict to the young Peregrine.
The new series is created by Every Cloud Productions’ Deb Cox and Fiona Eagger, both of whom worked on Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries and are executive producing Ms Fisher’s MODern Murder Mysteries.
Said Fiona:
“We’re very excited to tell our legion of Australian and international fans that we’re expanding the world of Miss Fisher into the fabulous era of the 1960s. The series will be full of the usual three Fs our fans have come to expect — feminism, fashion and fun!”
Kerry added:
“Ms Fisher, next generation, will be as glamorous as her aunt, brandishing her signature pearl-handled pistol and bantering endlessly with the main man in her life — but her stylish apartment, her sleek sports-car and her cutting-edge wardrobe have certainly moved with the times.”
Kerry Greenwood, author of the original “Phryne Fisher Mysteries” books and a consultant on Ms Fisher’s MODern Murder Mysteries, is delighted about the new series and offered this:
“To see fabulous Phryne inspire a whole new generation of murder mysteries and for the Fisher family to expand in this way gives our lovely fans even more of what they crave. The 1960s was another decade of exciting change for women and we’re all in for a real treat.”
Sally Caplan, Head of Production at Screen Australia, said:
“The Miss Fisher TV Series has had extraordinary success with international sales in over 170 territories… It’s fantastic to see such a clever re-imagining of this popular series involving strong female characters, which will appeal to a highly engaged fan base and will be driven by a talented female creative team. I look forward to seeing director, Fiona Banks, and producers Fiona Eagger, Deb Cox (also writing) and Beth Frey, bring to life the action-packed world of 1960s Melbourne and our new heroine Peregrine Fisher.”
We can’t wait!
As for the original Miss Fisher, Essie Davis plus cast and crew begin production later this year on Miss Fisher & The Crypt of Tears, the 1929-set follow-up feature film to the hugely popular Aussie TV series.
Stay tuned for updates about both Ms Fisher’s MODern Murder Mysteries and Miss Fisher & The Crypt of Tears.
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